During the 2021 legislative session dozens of states will consider legislation related to LGBTQ discrimination.
Some bills will seek to advance the comprehensive nondiscrimination laws that LGBTQ people so sorely need, while others will almost certainly attempt to single out and target LGBTQ people for unfair and unequal treatment.
Freedom for All Americans tracked each relevant bill in the 2021 Legislative Tracker in partnership with the Equality Federation. Below, find bills related to LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination protections. Or navigate to other types of bills below:
Pro-LGBTQ Legislation
DC B23-0867 – Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2020
Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Support Emergency Act of 2020
09/22/2020: Retained by the Council
CA AB2944
An act to amend Sections 7911.1 and 8732 of the Family Code, to amend Sections 1517.2, 1517.5, 1520.1, 1524, 1524.01, 1530.5, 1551.3, 1558.1, 1568.093, 1569.59, and 1596.8898 of, and to add Section 1522.45 to, the Health and Safety Code, to…
08/28/2020: In Assembly. Concurrence in Senate amendments pending.
CA AB3364
An act to amend Sections 6075.5, 21701, 21703, and 21705 of, and to amend, repeal, and add Section 21712 of, the Business and Professions Code, to amend Sections 55.32, 1102.19, and 1788.18 of, and to add Section 2924.8 to, the Civil Code, to…
08/27/2020: Ordered to third reading.
NJ S2861
This bill concerns the use of restrictive covenants in deeds for real property that would restrict the ownership or use of real property as prohibited by sections 4 and 11 of the “Law Against Discrimination,” (LAD) P.L.1945, c.169 (C.10:5-4…
08/27/2020: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee
VT H0611
An act relating to the Older Vermonters Act
08/26/2020: Senate Committee on Health and Welfare Hearing (00:00 8/26/2020 )
CA SB776
An act to amend Section 1045 of the Evidence Code, and to amend Sections 832.5, 832.7, and 832.12 of, and to add Section 832.13 to, the Penal Code, relating to peace officers.
08/25/2020: Ordered to third reading.
CA SB132
An act to add Sections 2605 and 2606 to the Penal Code, relating to corrections.
08/24/2020: Ordered to third reading.
Modifies obligation to make conduct reports under rule. Modifies obligation to make conduct reports under rule. Directs Legislative Equity Officer or, at officer’s request, investigator to perform facial review on conduct reports and conduct…
08/24/2020: Filed With Secretary of State.
VA SB5035
Law-enforcement civilian review boards. Authorizes a Law-enforcement civilian review boards. Authorizes a locality to establish a law-enforcement civilian review board that may (i) receive, investigate, and issue findings on complaints from…
08/20/2020: Rereferred to Finance and Appropriations
DC B23-0760 – Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Support Act of 2020
Please see Referral Memo for Subtitle Referrals.
08/17/2020: Transmitted to Mayor, Response Due on August 31, 2020
NE LB627
Prohibit discrimination based upon sexual orientation and gender identity
08/13/2020: Indefinitely Postponed
NE LB689
Prohibit discrimination by a seller or landlord on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity, or citizenship status in any real estate transaction or lease
08/13/2020: Indefinitely Postponed
NJ S2810
This bill makes it an unlawful employment practice for an employer to require an employee who is the parent or legal guardian of a school aged child to be physically present for work, when that work can be performed remotely, during a public…
08/13/2020: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Labor Committee
NJ A4034
This bill would allow the Governor to permit emergency-impacted mortgage forbearances and rent payment responsibility reductions for certain emergency-impacted residential property owners and tenants when a state of emergency or public health…
07/30/2020: Substituted by S2340 (2R)
NJ A4462
This bill makes it an unlawful employment practice for an employer to require an employee who is the parent or legal guardian of a school aged child to be physically present for work, when that work can be performed remotely, during a public…
07/30/2020: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Labor Committee
MA S2850
For legislation relative to false reporting of an emergency. The Judiciary.
07/28/2020: House concurred
MA H4860
Similar Bills
07/27/2020: Published as amended, see H4886
MA H4886
Similar Bills
07/27/2020: H4860, published as amended
MA S2820
To reform police standards and shift resources to build a more equitable, fair and just commonwealth that values Black lives and communities of color
07/27/2020: Committee of conference appointed (Cronin-Gonzalez-Whelan), in concurrence
RI H8094
This act makes a number of technical amendments to the general laws, prepared at the recommendation of the Law Revision Office.
07/25/2020: Effective without Governor’s signature
OH SB338
To amend sections 109.73, 109.77, 109.79, 109.80, 4117.10, and 5503.05 and to enact sections 109.805, 109.806, and 2933.84 of the Revised Code to prohibit police officers from engaging in biased policing and other status-based profiling, and…
07/21/2020: Refer to Committee: Judiciary
MA S2800
To reform police standards and shift resources to build a more equitable, fair and just commonwealth that values Black lives and communities of color
07/14/2020: Reprinted, as amended, see S2820
CO SB221
The bill states that generally evidence relating to the discovery of, knowledge about, or potential disclosure of the victim’s actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression, or sexual orientation, including under circumstances…
07/13/2020: Governor Signed
NY S00517
Relates to equality of rights and protection against discrimination.
07/08/2020: to attorney-general for opinion
An act to amend, repeal, and add Section 17504 of the Family Code, to amend Section 6253.2 of, and to add Section 14669.22 to, the Government Code, to amend Sections 1267.75, 1506, 1506.3, 1517, 1531.15, and 1569.682 of, to add Section 1562.2…
06/29/2020: Chaptered by Secretary of State – Chapter 11, Statutes of 2020.
OH HB710
To amend sections 109.73, 109.77, 109.79, 109.80, 109.803, and 5503.05 and to enact sections 109.805, 109.806, 2933.84, 2933.85, 2933.86, 2933.87, and 2933.88 of the Revised Code to prohibit police officers from engaging in biased policing and…
06/25/2020: Bill is introduced or prefiled
PA HB2625
An Act amending the act of June 13, 1967 (P.L.31, No.21), known as the Human Services Code, in general power and duties of department, providing for nondiscrimination; in children and youth, further providing for availability of services; and,…
06/23/2020: Referred to HUMAN SERVICES
CA SB101
An act to amend, repeal, and add Section 17504 of the Family Code, to amend Section 6253.2 of, and to add Section 14669.22 to, the Government Code, to amend Sections 1267.75, 1506, 1506.3, 1517, 1531.15, and 1569.682 of, to add Section 1562.2…
06/22/2020: From committee with author’s amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on BUDGET.
NJ A4288
This bill establishes certain requirements concerning the rights of residents of long-term care facilities who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, undesignated/non-binary, questioning, queer, or intersex (LGBTQI). Specifically, the bill…
06/22/2020: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Aging and Senior Services Committee
NJ A4289
This bill would amend the “Law Against Discrimination,” P.L.1945, c.169 (C.10:5-1 et seq.) (the “LAD”) to codify case law providing that the LAD protects those plaintiffs suffering discrimination on grounds of “disparate impact.” Pursuant to…
06/22/2020: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee
Crimes motivated by bias reporting expanded; crime of property damage motivated by bias amended; Peace Officer Standards and Training Board required to update training in recognizing, responding to, and reporting crimes of bias; law enforcement…
06/19/2020: Author added Xiong, J.
MI HR0281
A resolution to recognize June 2020 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month in the state of Michigan.
06/18/2020: Referred To Committee On Government Operations
NY A10656
Prohibits certain actions which negatively impact the conduct of business, trade, or commerce or furnishing of services in the state and prohibits practices that force arbitration of future antitrust, consumer, civil rights, and employment disputes…
06/17/2020: referred to corporations, authorities and commissions
NJ S2571
This bill establishes the Division of Equal Employment Opportunity in Public Contracts as a permanent division in the State Department of the Treasury to oversee and enforce equal employment opportunity requirements with regard to public works…
06/15/2020: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate State Government, Wagering, Tourism & Historic Preservation Committee
MI SR0123
A resolution to recognize June 2020 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Pride Month.
06/11/2020: Referred To Committee On Families, Seniors, And Veterans
IL HB0357
Creates the FY2021 Budget Implementation Act. Provides that the purpose of the Act is to make the changes in State programs that are necessary to implement the Governor’s FY2021 budget recommendations. Effective immediately.
06/10/2020: Public Act . . . . . . . . . 101-0636
NY K00918
Memorializing Governor Andrew M. Cuomo to proclaim June 2020, as Gay Pride Month in the State of New York
06/10/2020: ADOPTED
NJ S2545
This bill establishes certain requirements concerning the rights of residents of long-term care facilities who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, undesignated/non-binary, questioning, queer, or intersex (LGBTQI). Specifically, the bill…
06/08/2020: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Health, Human Services and Senior Citizens Committee
Omnibus health and human services bill
05/27/2020: Secretary of State, Filed
IL HB3640
Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act. Deletes language from the definition of “sexual orientation” concerning gender identity. Provides that “gender identity” means a person’s deeply felt, inherent sense of who the person is as a particular…
05/22/2020: Added Co-Sponsor Rep. Jonathan “Yoni” Pizer
KS HB2130
AN ACT concerning the Kansas act against discrimination and acts 2 supplemental thereto; relating to sexual orientation and gender identity 3 or expression; amending K.S.A. 12-16,107, 44-1001, 44-1004, 444 1009, 44-1015, 44-1016, 44-1017, 44-1027…
05/21/2020: House Died in Committee
AN ACT concerning the Kansas act against discrimination and acts 2 supplemental thereto; relating to sexual orientation and gender identity 3 or expression; amending K.S.A. 12-16,107, 44-1001, 44-1004, 444 1009, 44-1015, 44-1016, 44-1017, 44-1027…
05/21/2020: Senate Died in Committee
AZ HB2716
Antidiscrimination; housing; employment; public accommodations
05/19/2020: Assigned to House RULES Committee
NY S08360
AN ACT in relation to requiring the New York state department of health to collect and report certain data concerning COVID-19
NC S786
05/18/2020: Ref To Com On Rules and Operations of the Senate
MN SF3560
Omnibus health and human services policy bill
05/17/2020: Laid on Table
IL SB3215
Amends the Illinois Human Rights Act. Provides that it is a civil rights violation for a third-party loan modification service provider, because of unlawful discrimination, familial status, or an arrest record, to (1) refuse to engage in loan…
05/15/2020: Rule 2-10 Committee/3rd Reading Deadline Established As May 31, 2020
MN SF2939
Health boards unnecessary criminal background fee removal; occupational therapy clarifying, technical and conforming changes; social work practice requirements, licensing and regulatory provisions modification; dental employee licensure requirements…
05/15/2020: Secretary of State Chapter 79 05/12/2020
MO HB1450
AN ACT To repeal sections 221.111, 544.170, 545.140, 556.061, 557.021, 562.014, 571.015, 571.070, 578.421, 578.423, 578.425, 579.065, 579.068, and 650.055, RSMo, section 211.071 as enacted by senate bill no. 793 merged with senate bill no. 800,…
05/15/2020: Reported Do Pass (H) – AYES: 8 NOES: 2 PRESENT: 0
MO HB1527
AN ACT To repeal sections 213.010, 213.030, 213.040, 213.045, 213.050, 213.055, 213.065, 213.070, and 213.101, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof nine new sections relating to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
05/15/2020: Referred: General Laws(H)
MO HB1763
AN ACT To repeal sections 213.010, 213.030, 213.040, 213.045, 213.050, 213.055, 213.065, 213.070, and 213.101, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof nine new sections relating to discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
05/15/2020: Referred: General Laws(H)
CA SB1423
An act to add Section 2750.4 to the Labor Code, relating to worker classification.
05/11/2020: Re-referred to Com. on RLS.
AZ SB1321
Antidiscrimination; employment; housing; public accommodations..
05/08/2020: Assigned to Senate RULES Committee
AZ SB1609
Antidiscrimination; housing; employment; public accommodations.
05/08/2020: Assigned to Senate RULES Committee
MD HB231
Expanding the housing policy of the State to include providing for fair housing to all citizens regardless of source of income; stating the Act seeks to deconcentrate poverty by providing additional opportunities for tenants utilizing public…
05/08/2020: Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution – Chapter 116
MD SB530
Expanding the housing policy of the State to include providing for fair housing to all citizens regardless of source of income; stating the Act seeks to deconcentrate poverty by providing additional opportunities for tenants utilizing public…
05/08/2020: Enacted under Article II, Section 17(c) of the Maryland Constitution – Chapter 117
MN HF3727
Health care; various provisions regarding payment and eligibility modified.
05/07/2020: Joint rule 2.03, Deadlines, re-referred to Rules and Legislative Administration
NJ AR153
Denounces racism in the wake of COVID-19.
05/01/2020: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Law and Public Safety Committee
VA HB1252
Apprenticeship program; discrimination. Prohibits a sponsor of a registered apprenticeship program from discriminating against an apprentice or applicant for apprenticeship on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual…
04/22/2020: Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP1228)
NY S06935
Relates to fair, non-biased compensation; removes language regarding bringing actions in court regarding compensation discrimination.
04/17/2020: SIGNED CHAP.41
NY S06942
AN ACT to amend the civil service law, in relation to equal pay for similar work protections for protected classes
04/17/2020: signed chap.46
VA SB868
Prohibited discrimination; public accommodations, employment, credit, and housing: causes of action; sexual orientation and gender identity. Creates causes of action for unlawful discrimination in public accommodations and employment in the…
04/11/2020: Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP1140)
WI AB319
This bill prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person’s gender identity or gender expression, which is defined in the bill as a person’s gender-related identity, gender-related appearance, gender-related expression, or gender-related behavior,…
04/01/2020: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
To create section 27 of article I of the constitution; Relating to: equality of rights on the basis of sex, gender identity, race, color, sexual orientation, disability, religion, national origin, marital status, family status, age, ancestry,…
04/01/2020: Failed to adopt pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
WI SB308
This bill prohibits discrimination on the basis of a person’s gender identity or gender expression, which is defined in the bill as a person’s gender-related identity, gender-related appearance, gender-related expression, or gender-related behavior,…
04/01/2020: Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1
WA HB2338
AN ACT Relating to prohibiting discrimination in health care coverage; and amending RCW 41.05.600, 48.20.580, 48.21.241, 3 48.41.220, 48.44.341, 48.46.291, 70.47.200, 48.30.300, and 48.43.0128.
03/31/2020: Effective date 6/11/2020.
FL H0161
Prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation & gender identity in public lodging establishments & public food service establishments; revises provisions of Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992 & Fair Housing Act to include sexual orientation…
03/14/2020: Died in Civil Justice Subcommittee
FL S0206
Citing this act as the “Florida Competitive Workforce Act”; adding sexual orientation and gender identity as impermissible grounds for discrimination in public lodging establishments and public food service establishments; providing an exception…
03/14/2020: Died in Governmental Oversight and Accountability
VA HB1663
Prohibited discrimination; public accommodations, employment, credit, and housing: causes of action; sexual orientation and gender identity. Creates explicit causes of action for unlawful discrimination in public accommodations and employment…
03/12/2020: Failed to pass in House
NY A08973
Relates to fair, non-biased compensation; removes language regarding bringing actions in court regarding compensation discrimination.
03/10/2020: substituted by s6935
LA HB238
AN ACT 2 To amend and reenact R.S. 23:332(A)(1) and (2), (B), (C)(1) and (2), (D), (E), (H)(1), (3), 3 and (4), R.S. 37:1025(B), 1107(C), 1360.23(H), 1437(D), 2719, 3425(C), 3447(C), 4 and R.S. 40:1133.1(C), and to enact R.S. 23:302(9) and (10),…
03/09/2020: Read by title, under the rules, referred to the Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations.
AN ACT 2 To amend and reenact R.S. 23:332(A)(1) and (2), (B), (C)(1) and (2), (D), (E), (H)(1), (3) 3 and (4), R.S. 37:1025(B), 1107(C), 1360.23(H), 1437(D), 2719, 3425(C), 3447(C), 4 and R.S. 40:1133.1(C), and to enact R.S. 23:302(9) and (10),…
03/09/2020: Introduced in the Senate; read by title. Rules suspended. Read second time and referred to the committee on Labor and Industrial Relations.
VA HB145
Public elementary and secondary schools; treatment of transgender students; policies. Requires the Department of Education to develop and make available to each school board, no later than December 31, 2020, model policies concerning the treatment…
03/04/2020: Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0153)
VA HB696
Local human rights ordinances; sexual orientation and gender identity. Provides that localities may prohibit discrimination in housing, employment, public accommodations, credit, and education on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity.
03/04/2020: Governor: Acts of Assembly Chapter text (CHAP0131)
MS HB710
An Act To Amend Section 25-9-149, Mississippi Code Of 1972, To Prohibit Persons Seeking Employment In State Service, Or Persons Employed In State Service, From Being Discriminated Against On The Basis Of Sexual Orientation Or Gender Identity;…
03/03/2020: Died In Committee
MS HB764
An Act To Create The Mississippi Civil Rights Act; To Provide That The Right Of A Person To Be Free From Discrimination Because Of Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Immigrant Status, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Disability…
03/03/2020: Died In Committee
MS SB2549
An Act To Create The Mississippi Civil Rights Act; To Provide That The Right Of A Person To Be Free From Discrimination Because Of Race, Color, Religion, National Origin, Immigrant Status, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Disability,…
03/03/2020: Died In Committee
NY A08971
AN ACT to amend the civil service law, in relation to equal pay for similar work protections for protected classes
03/02/2020: substituted by s6942
MO SB945
AN ACT To repeal sections 213.010, 213.030, 213.040, 213.045, 213.050, 213.055, 213.065, 213.070, and 213.101, RSMo, and to enact in lieu thereof nine new sections relating to unlawful discriminatory practices based on sexual orientation or…
02/27/2020: Second Read and Referred S Small Business and Industry Committee
Virginia Fair Housing Law; unlawful discriminatory housing practices. Provides that it is an unlawful discriminatory housing practice for any political jurisdiction or its employees or appointed commissions to discriminate in the application…
02/27/2020: Continued to 2021 in General Laws by voice vote
An Act adding to the powers and duties of the State Commission for Human Rights; and relating to and prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
NJ A3089
This bill would make it unlawful to disqualify a person from jury service based on the person’s gender identity or affectional or sexual orientation. Under R.S.10:1-8, it is unlawful to disqualify a citizen for service as a grand or petit juror…
02/24/2020: Introduced, Referred to Assembly Judiciary Committee
NJ S1800
R.S.10:1-8 provides that no citizen possessing all other qualifications prescribed by law shall be disqualified for jury service on account of race, color, creed, national origin, ancestry, marital status, or sex. This bill would add gender…
02/24/2020: Introduced in the Senate, Referred to Senate Judiciary Committee
WV HB2741
The purpose of this bill is to add “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to the categories covered by the Human Rights Act, prohibiting discrimination in employment and places of public accommodation. The bill adds “age”, “sexual orientation”…
02/18/2020: Motion to take discharge motion from table rejected (Roll No. 228)
VA HB1051
Child-placing agencies; conscience clause; discrimination. Repeals provisions that allowed child-placing agencies to refuse to perform, assist with, counsel, recommend, consent to, refer, or participate in any child placements when the proposed…
02/11/2020: Left in Health, Welfare and Institutions
WV HB4948
Prohibiting discrimination based upon age and sexual orientation, or gender identity
02/11/2020: To House Industry and Labor
MD HB1010
Prohibiting certain facilities or certain staff from discriminating against certain individuals or residents on certain bases; requiring certain facilities to post a certain notice next to the facility’s nondiscrimination policy in certain locations;…
02/10/2020: Hearing 3/05 at 1:00 p.m.
MD HB1561
Prohibiting a person from acting in a manner, regardless of intent, that has a certain discriminatory effect against any person in certain housing transactions; providing that a person who unintentionally violates a certain provision has not…
02/10/2020: Hearing 3/06 at 1:00 p.m.
OH HB369
To amend sections 9.03, 124.93, 340.12, 511.03, 717.01, 1501.012, 1751.18, 2927.03, 3113.36, 3301.53, 3304.15, 3304.50, 3314.06, 3332.09, 3721.13, 3905.55, 4111.17, 4112.01, 4112.02, 4112.021, 4112.04, 4112.05, 4112.08, 4117.19, 4725.67, 4735.16,…
02/04/2020: House Civil Justice Skindell – 2nd Hearing, Pro. (14:00 2/4/2020 Room 114)
KY SB130
Amend KRS 344.010 to include definitions for “sexual orientation,” “gender identity,” ” local Commission,” and ” real estate-related transaction”; amend KRS 344.020, relating to the purpose of the Kentucky’s civil rights chapter, to include…
02/03/2020: to Judiciary (S)
MA S858
For legislation relative to preventing discrimination on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity by educational institutions. The Judiciary.
02/03/2020: Accompanied a study order, see S2496
NY S07201
AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to establishing a statewide campaign for the acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and understanding of diversity
NY A09549
AN ACT to amend the executive law, in relation to establishing a statewide campaign for the acceptance, inclusion, tolerance and understanding of diversity
01/31/2020: print number 9549a
NY A08993
AN ACT to amend the elder law, in relation to the state office for the aging sexual discrimination training program; and to repeal certain provisions of such law related thereto
01/28/2020: reported referred to ways and means
NY S07176
AN ACT to amend the elder law, in relation to the state office for the aging sexual discrimination training program; and to repeal certain provisions of such law related thereto
IN SB0137
Prohibited discrimination in civil rights statutes. Extends certain antidiscrimination and civil rights statutes to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, veteran status, and ancestry.
01/16/2020: Senator Stoops added as coauthor
IN SB0250
Prohibited discrimination. Provides that a choice scholarship school (eligible school) may not discriminate against a staff member based on disability, race, color, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, national…
01/16/2020: First reading: referred to Committee on Education and Career Development
ID S1226
CIVIL RIGHTS — Amends existing law to provide that freedom from discrimination because of sexual orientation or gender identity is a civil right.
01/15/2020: Reported Printed; referred to State Affairs
WV HB4201
Relating to unlawful discriminatory practices in categories covered by the Human Rights Act and the Fair Housing Act
01/14/2020: To House Industry and Labor