Today in honor of Military Appreciation Month, we saw a release of endorsements from major national armed forces organizations representing more than one million veterans and more than 500 individual veterans in support of federal nondiscrimination legislation to protect all LGBTQ Americans in all areas of daily life.
The signers and the letter — which was sent to U.S. Senators today to urge support of the Equality Act — can be found down below:
Name | State | Rank | Branch |
Sabrina Bruce | AE | TSgt | Space Force |
Tara Richardson | AE | SMSgt | Air Force |
Kyle Sinclair | AE | SSgt | Air Force |
Milton Wallin | AK | SGT (P) / E-5 | Army |
Bryanna Kerbuski | AK | 2LT | Army |
Sean Rohde | AK | SSG | Army |
Jennifer Liddle | AL | SPC | Army |
Shelby Robinson | AR | E-4 | Army |
Steven Lowen | AZ | E-5 | National Guard |
Gail Harold Skinner | AZ | E-4 | Navy |
Timothy Lorenzini | AZ | E4 | Navy |
Mars Yescas | AZ | SPC | Army |
Dinorah Jaime | AZ | E6 | Air Force |
Sierra Bruesch | AZ | A1C | Air Force |
Jessica Roza | AZ | SPC | Army |
Jeff Cunha | AZ | Cpl | Marines |
Philip Shook | AZ | TSgt | Air Force |
Bernard Winegrad | AZ | SGT | Army |
Sonia Fernandez | CA | Cpl | Marines |
Fran Watson | CA | SP6 | Army |
Robert Brown | CA | AT2 | Navy |
Amanda Silvestri | CA | Sp/4 | Army |
S.R.A. Miller | CA | PO1 | Navy |
Tom Grant | CA | Corporal | Marines |
Edmundo Gomez | CA | SrA | Air Force |
Roy Gordon | CA | CT2 | Navy |
Joe Futterer | CA | Specialist 5th class | Army |
Belita Edwards | CA | 1st Lieutenant | Army |
James Kennington | CA | SSgt (E-5) | Air Force |
Jonathan Willett | CA | E-4 | Air Force |
Brent Flanary | CA | SSgt | Air Force |
Warren Tymony | CA | E2 | Air Force |
John Maragioglio | CA | A1C | Air Force |
Sharalis Canales | CA | SSG/E6 | Army |
Julie Howell | CA | E4 | Army |
Janessa Goldbeck | CA | Capt | Marines |
Shawn Vandiver | CA | E6 | Navy |
Amanda Moore | CA | E-6 | Navy |
Wesley Vasquez | CA | SrA | Air Force |
Paul Chouinard | CA | Captain | Army |
Jesse Medlong | CA | E-6 | Navy |
Mark West | CA | LCDR | Navy |
Aaron Wixson | CA | SGT | Marines |
Melissa Chingren | CA | SPC | Army |
Kelsey Campbell | CA | SSgt | Air Force |
Lynda Davis | CA | TSgt | National Guard |
Tim Linerud | CA | E4 | Air Force |
Lawrence Loughlin | CA | SFC | Army |
Audrey Gallimore | CA | E-5 | Navy |
Gerard Ridella | CA | E4 | Navy |
Christian Legett | CA | O-3 | Navy |
Frank Margowski | CO | Spc5 | Army |
Lauren Carson | CO | E-4 | Army |
Sarah Klimm | CO | E-7 GySgt | Marines |
Nhien Hoang | CO | E4 | Army |
Donald Martinez | CO | CPT | Army |
Jim Carsten | CO | A1C | National Guard |
Ross Dickman | CT | Major | Army |
Walter Wesley | DC | O-1 | Air Force |
Alberto Ramos | DC | LCDR | Navy |
Ross Cohen | DC | E-4 | Army |
Deborah Loomis | DC | O5 | Navy |
Robert Vessels | DC | SGT | Army |
Scott Tilley | DC | O-5 | National Guard |
Dennis O’Brien | DE | Captain | Air Force |
Jerry Clifton | DE | SSG E6 | Army |
John Watt | FL | Corporal | Marines |
John Thomas | FL | Pfc | Army |
Michael Turner | FL | Sgt | Marines |
Joseph Feeney | FL | CWO-4 | Army |
Jim Loveland | FL | 2LT | Army |
Erwin J Crawford | FL | Spc 4 | Army |
Fred Brockmann | FL | Corporal | Army |
Abby Kinch | FL | E-4 | Air Force |
Luke Mcclees | FL | E-5 | Marines |
Kiersten Downs | FL | SSgt | Air Force |
Alexis Prough | FL | A1C | Air Force |
Mariano Corcilli | FL | Sergeant | Marines |
Lena Lambert | FL | SSG | Army |
Jennyvik Garcia | FL | E-3 | Marines |
Eileen Norrington | FL | Captain | Navy |
Heather Elizondo Vega | FL | O-3 | Army |
Doug Maclean | FL | Captain | Air Force |
Sumner Ferris | FL | Pvt | Army |
Caryn Atkin | FL | N/A | Space Force |
John Custer | FL | MSgt (E-7) | Air Force |
J Hoyt Young | GA | Captain | Army |
William E. Iii Chappell | GA | E-4 | Air Force |
Candace Hardnett | GA | E5 | Marines |
Adam Tomblin | GA | Corporal | Marines |
Maury Weil | GA | Pharmacy Specialist 5 | Army |
Jerry Banks | GA | E5 | Army |
D. J. Barton | GA | E3 | Navy |
Quana Kavanagh | GA | E3 | Air Force |
Donna Vargas | GA | E5 | Coast Guard |
Kenneth Britt | GA | E5 | Army |
Charlene Turner | GA | Senior Airman | Air Force |
Sherry Hill | GA | E5 | Navy |
Derrick Kendrick | GA | E-5 | Navy |
Katie Christof | GA | Spc | Army |
James Young | GA | Captain | Army |
Noelia Barrera-Disler | GA | E5 | Army |
Tom Lokey | GA | Major (O-4) | Air Force |
Lawrence Graham | GA | Captain | Air Force |
Margaret Skates | GA | E4 | Army |
Paige Gall | GA | E-3 | Army |
Will Ramirez | GA | E-6 | Navy |
India Bridgette | GA | E4/CPL | Marines |
Hailey Ulrich | GA | E4 | Navy |
Christopher Purdy | GA | Sgt | Army |
Liam Boatner | GA | Sgt | Army |
Wayne Newberry | GA | E6 | Air Force |
Siobhan Adams | GA | MSgt | Air Force |
Dr Reggie Dunbar Ii | GA | Sergeant | Army |
Cindy Hardin | GA | PFC | Army |
Anondra Williams | GA | E5 | Air Force |
Traci Romero | GA | Sergeant | Air Force |
Raijeim Douglas | GA | E-2 | Army |
Suzanne Zan Thornton | GA | E5 highest | Army |
Kimia Flournoy | GA | Cpl | Marines |
William Watts | GA | SFC | Army |
Stephen Allen | GA | E3 | Navy |
Elaine Zitomer | GA | Captain | Army |
Thomas Tizard | HI | PFC | Army |
Adriann Crespo | HI | PO2 | Navy |
Madison Fuemmeler | HI | E6 | Navy |
Jennifer Ruiz | HI | E2/PFC | Marines |
Pamela Peltz | IA | E4 | Army |
Kerry Minner | IA | Spec 4 | Army |
Paul Harville | IA | E4 | Army |
John Ridenour | IA | LCpl | Marines |
Edmund Cote | IA | Staff Sgt | Marines |
Christina Polosky | IA | Major | Army |
Janet Baird | IA | A1C | Air Force |
Heather Reid | IA | E4 | Army |
Gib Butler | IA | SSgt | National Guard |
Jeffery Hartford | IA | E4 | Air Force |
James Dickson | IA | Spec 4 | Army |
Dawn Glasgow | IA | 1SG | Army |
Eric Peterson | IA | Corporal | Marines |
Wendy Kizer | IA | BU3 | Navy |
Steve Bell | IA | E4 | Army |
Ben Whittaker | ID | Specialist | Army |
Tom Mccabe | ID | Captain | Army |
Thomas Verscha | IL | SH3 | Navy |
John Dwyer | IL | 1st LT | Army |
Mia Renna | IL | O-3 Captain | Army |
Rowan Mooney | IL | SGT | Army |
Jimmie Owens | IL | E5 | Army |
Steven Kenneth Tyler | IL | E-6 | Air Force |
Asher Wylie | IL | Captain | Air Force |
Andrea Schaller | IL | Lieutenant Colonel | National Guard |
Tyna Korcz | IL | E5 | Army |
Larue Robinson | IL | CPT | Army |
Joseph Mcdonald | IL | E-5 / Petty Officer Second Class | Navy |
Lisa Gleason | IL | E4 | Army |
Margaret Howard | IL | Private | Army |
Julie Taylor | IL | O-3 | Air Force |
John Kirchner | IN | Tsg | Air Force |
Valerie White | IN | E4 | Army |
Catherine Byerly | IN | Sergeant | National Guard |
Thomas Mosby | IN | Sra | Air Force |
Bella Rose | IN | E-4 | Navy |
Megan Clayton | IN | Major | Army |
Mary Finnegan | IN | Sgt | Army |
Robert Wilkinson | IN | OS2 | Navy |
Paula Scherschel | IN | Sergeant | Army |
Martina Thompson | IN | E4 | Army |
Douglas Garcia | IN | Staff Sgt E-6 | Army |
Jessica Tonetti-Meadows | IN | E4 | Army |
Kimberly Michaelsen | IN | E-4 | Air Force |
Decko Keith | IN | Sergeant | National Guard |
Bryce Gustafson | IN | S-4 | Army |
Vernita Jenkins | IN | SFC | Army |
Katrina Ortensie | IN | Cpl | Marines |
Robert Childs | IN | Lt. | Army |
Cindy Demaree | IN | E4 | Army |
Gary Hermes | IN | E-4 | Air Force |
Judy Ward | IN | WO 1 | Marines |
Amanda Grimes | IN | E-4 | Army |
David E Zendell | IN | SSgt | Air Force |
Deedra Ankrom | IN | Master Sergeant | Air Force |
Tracey Wagner | IN | E4 | Army |
Michael Averett | IN | SPC | National Guard |
Robert E Bennett Jr | IN | E-3 A1C | Air Force |
Jon Strayer | IN | EW1 | Navy |
Gary Townsend | IN | Technical Sergeant | Air Force |
Debera Smith | IN | Specialist 4th Class | Army |
Darryl Harris | IN | E5 | Army |
Michael Davis | IN | MS3 | Navy |
Ryan Edwards | IN | E-5 | Navy |
Carol Girt | IN | 2nd Lieutenant | National Guard |
Ellis Pineiro | IN | E 3 | Marines |
Dennis Lewandowski | IN | SFC | Army |
Daniel Ryan | IN | E5 | Army |
David Bonifer | IN | A2C | Air Force |
Krista Ledbetter | IN | Lieutenant (O3) | Navy |
Carey Smith | IN | Sgt | Marines |
Liz Schmidtberger | KS | Private | Marines |
Rebecca Mckee | KY | E-8 | Air Force |
Elliana Moon | LA | SSgt | Air Force |
Todd Atkins | MA | Sgt | Marines |
Peter Kahigian | MA | Sgt | Air Force |
Paula Degree | MA | 1LT | Army |
Terrance Mcintosh | MA | SSgt | Air Force |
Bonnie Gorman Rn | MA | Lt | Navy |
Anthony Camelio | MA | Sergeant | Army |
Pat Taber | MA | SP4 | Army |
Hanna Tripp | MA | SRA | Air Force |
Patrick Beaudry | MA | E5 | Navy |
Jessica Rushing | MA | E4 | Army |
Paul Bebo | MA | E-4 | Air Force |
Donald Di Russo | MA | E-5 | Navy |
Taryn Wilson | MD | E9 | Navy |
John Wessels | MD | E6 | Navy |
Mark Lloyd | MD | Lieutenant Junior Grade | Navy |
Andrew Messick | MD | SrA | Air Force |
Ryan Bridges | MD | MSG | Army |
Justin Richmond | MD | E5 | Army |
Lyn Mullings | MD | LT | Navy |
Kayla Kerrigan | MD | Captain | Marines |
Joyce Demonbrun | MD | SSG/E-6 | Army |
Matthew Kirby | ME | E3 | Army |
Lynn Earnest | ME | SSgt | National Guard |
Steph White | MI | CPT | Army |
Olivia Grace | MI | SPC | Army |
Roger Hane | MI | E4 | Navy |
Andrew Weare | MI | Able Seaman | Navy |
Crystal Seidel | MN | SP 4 | Army |
Gregory Labelle | MN | Sgt | Air Force |
Dennis Alanen | MN | Petty Officer 3 | Navy |
Chester Payne | MO | E2 | Navy |
Johna Walsh | MO | O-4 | Navy |
Aj Lenox-Krug | MO | SFC | Army |
Steve Gardner | MO | SGT E-5 | Army |
Douglas Miller | MO | SP/4 | Army |
Alleria Stanley | MO | Staff Sergeant | Army |
Stephen Schmehl | MO | E-5 | Navy |
Rick Kojetin | MT | E4 | Army |
Brandon Hancock | MT | SGT | Army |
Adam Garnek Mba | NC | E3 | Marines |
Jennifer Smith | NC | E-2 | National Guard |
Adam Garnek | NC | E3 | Marines |
Liz Mcdowell | NC | E-5 | Air Force |
Amaya Deakins | NC | E3 | Army |
Ryan Mcgill | NC | Captain | Marines |
Adam Oswald Miller | NC | E-4 | Navy |
Guy Aday | NC | SSGT | Army |
Ernie Howard | NC | A1C | Air Force |
Robert Schwartz | ND | TSgt | Air Force |
Michelle Foster | ND | Staff Sergeant | Air Force |
Angela Montalvo | NE | Specialist | Army |
Elizabeth Cesario-Oliver | NE | GySgt | Marines |
Richard Shubert | NE | E-4 | Army |
Lee Foster | NE | Sergeant | Air Force |
Steve Tafolla | NE | Sp4 | Army |
Courtney Hurd | NE | Lance Corporal | Marines |
Amie Konwinski | NE | CPO | Navy |
Dana Delgardo | NJ | Major | Air Force |
Lucy Del Gaudio | NJ | SPC | Army |
Logan Kemerer | NJ | TSgt | Air Force |
Karl Giese | NM | Major | Air Force |
Jeleane Simmons | NM | Retired MSG | Army |
Barry M Kupper | NV | E4 | Navy |
Janelle Bowen | NV | Tistististiditstiztiditx | Space Force |
Thomas Newton | NY | SP4 | Army |
Howard Lepzelter | NY | Specialist 2nd class | Army |
Diane Phillips | NY | Captain | National Guard |
Jeffery Mix | NY | Corporal | Army |
Ali Awada | NY | Mr | Navy |
Timothy Stolinski | NY | Captain | Army |
Heather Nicholson | NY | SFC | Army |
Aldo Diaz | NY | E5 | Air Force |
Andrea Makowski | NY | IC3 (SW) | Navy |
Kenneth Pinkela | NY | LTC | Army |
Alexander Mccoy | NY | Sgt | Marines |
Gary Ferris | NY | 1LT | National Guard |
Roger Misso | NY | O-4 | Navy |
Lindsey Melki | NY | Captain | Army |
Matthew Mora | NY | SPC | Army |
Rose Roe | NY | E-5 | Navy |
Koma B Gandy Fischbein | NY | Lieutenant Commander | Navy |
Raymond Firestone | NY | Pfc | Army |
Scott Clark | NY | Sgt | Air Force |
Kevin Orourke | NY | E5 | Air Force |
Ben Walters | OH | RM3 | Navy |
Tony Mcclain | OH | CTTCS (AC) (E8) | Navy |
John O’Connor | OH | E-4 | Navy |
Barbara Newman | OH | TSgt (E-6) | Air Force |
Terry Yeager | OH | E4 | Navy |
Georgette Freeman | OH | E4 | Air Force |
Cassie Gabelt | OH | E3 | Navy |
Brenda Barton | OH | E4 | Army |
Darla Patrick | OH | PFC | Army |
Bryan Everitt | OH | LCDR | Navy |
Katherine Cooper | OH | LtC | Air Force |
Joshua Hoffman | OH | E-3 | Air Force |
Charles Lafaso | OH | Sergeant | Air Force |
Karen Fouser | OH | SSgt | Air Force |
Sean Weaver | OK | SSgt | Air Force |
Ana Dickenson | OK | Sgt | Air Force |
Gerald Neas | OK | Sp5 | Army |
Braden Hisey | OK | LtCol | Marines |
Jim Vegher | OR | SP5 (E-5) | Army |
Heather Stadther | OR | E5 | Navy |
Nathaniel Boehme | OR | E-06 | Air Force |
Ralph Amador | OR | Corporal | Army |
Cassandra Firmin | OR | E-4 | Army |
Allie Cooper | OR | E5 | Navy |
Lisa O’Brien | PA | DT3 | Navy |
Charles Schillaci | PA | E-5 (DP2) | Navy |
Rob Sackett | PA | E-3 | Air Force |
Joseph Werzinski | PA | Captain | Army |
Edward Freeman | PA | E-3 | Navy |
David Casker | PA | E-4 | Navy |
Kathy Hoerner | PA | E4 Sergeant | Air Force |
James Gatehouse | PA | Sp 4 | Army |
Dennis Higgins | PA | SSG | Army |
Mary Mckiernan | PA | LTC | Army |
Alyssa Burrows | PA | PFC/E3 | National Guard |
David Larson | PA | E4 | Army |
Bob O’Neil | RI | E4 | Navy |
David Payne | SC | E4 (Sgt) | Air Force |
Chris Wilson | SC | LCPL | Marines |
Tony Moe | SC | Capt | Air Force |
Marco Orrantia | TX | SGT | Army |
Stephen Courim | TX | Seaman recruit | Navy |
Randy Maley | TX | E5 | Army |
Christina Harding | TX | Sgt / E-5 | Marines |
Sandy Anderson | TX | 1st LT | Army |
Kathryn Goldston | TX | SSG | Army |
Teddie Ellis | TX | Hospitalman | Navy |
Betty Wilkinson | TX | E3 | Navy |
Sharon Evans-Ford | TX | E-8 | Air Force |
Linda Morales | TX | TSgt | Air Force |
Linda Neighbors | TX | E4 | Air Force |
Ashe Taylor-Austin | TX | E7 | Navy |
Leroy Everett | TX | SP-4 | Army |
Ian Miller | TX | MSgt | Air Force |
Linda Ezell | TX | SFC | Army |
Lisa Mil | TX | E-4 | Army |
Maddie Crotzer | TX | Sgt | Marines |
Tim Hanson | TX | E-4 | Air Force |
Jean Motley | TX | Corporal | Marines |
Nathaniel Humphrey | TX | Petty Officer 3rd Class | Navy |
Taylor Lubigan | TX | SPC | Army |
Ianto Anglesey | TX | Captain | Navy |
Billy Halgat | VA | SGT | Air Force |
Daniela James | VA | ET1 | Navy |
Linda Spencer | VA | E-5 | Navy |
James Zinck | VA | Second Class Petty Officer | Navy |
Kai Blevins | VA | E-4 | Army |
Ramond Curtis | VA | E-4 | National Guard |
Ryan Lynch | VA | SSgt/E-5 | Air Force |
John O’Connor | VA | SFC | Army |
Mike Brenton | VA | SSGT | Air Force |
Maureen Elias | VA | SGT | Army |
David Dooley | VA | E5 | Army |
Ramond Virtis | VA | E-4 | Army |
Jamie Hash | VA | MSgt | Air Force |
Jason Lorengo | VA | E6 | Navy |
Terran Barrera | VA | SSG | Army |
Lourdes Tiglao | VA | E5 | Air Force |
Stephanie Merlo | VA | E-4 | Army |
Barrett Bogue | VA | E5 | Marines |
David Stetler | WA | E5 Sgt. | Marines |
Sharon Fetter | WA | ET2 | Navy |
Paige Butler | WA | E7 | Navy |
John Simanton | WA | LCDR | Navy |
Edward Kaeufer | WA | AT1 | Navy |
Sheryl Truhn | WA | E5 | Navy |
Troy Christensen | WA | Sergeant E-5 | Army |
Angela Parker | WA | E4 | Air Force |
Bailey Muffett | WA | E6 | Air Force |
Tim Peter | WA | E-2 | Navy |
Katherine Pratt | WA | Captain | Air Force |
Sally Malan | WA | E5 | Marines |
George Summers | WA | Sp4 E4 | Army |
Michaela Scherer | WI | SPC 4 | Army |
Theodore Voth | WI | HM3 | Navy |
Jack Schatzke | WI | Private | Army |
Sheri Swokowski | WI | Colonel, Ph.D. | Army |
Zachary Quadracci | WI | Sgt | Marines |
Thomas Ackerman | WI | SP4 | Army |
Richard Guevara | WI | E-4 | Army |
Danielle Stewart | WV | Major | Army |
Dawnmarie Luengene | WV | RMSN | Navy |
Tracy Marsh | WV | E3 | Navy |
Darryl Henry | WV | E3 | Navy |
Robert Marinelli | WV | LCDR | Navy |
Brenda Stewart | WV | E-1 | Army |
Christyn Avery | WV | E7 | Navy |
Wayne Rebich | WV | Airman 2nd Class | Air Force |
Virginia Moles | WV | MSG | Air Force |
Stevie Brigode | WV | Pvt | Army |
Joseph Rice | WV | SP4 | Army |
Blaine M-Cdonald Lytle | WV | DC 3 | Coast Guard |
Rose Mcgrath | WV | E-4 | Air Force |
Russel Bragg | WV | Spec 4 | Army |
Nicole Dobson | WV | E5 | Navy |
Arthur Crutchfield | WV | Corporal | Marines |
This list includes endorsements from six organizations, including the Modern Military Association of America; Minority Veterans of America; Combined Arms; Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America; SPART*A; and Service Women’s Action Network.
Today’s letter comes more than 10 years after the repeal of the discriminatory Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy, which prohibited gay, lesbian, and bisexual service members from serving openly; and after the Biden administration’s recent lifting of the transgender military ban. An estimated one million LGBTQ veterans currently lack federal nondiscrimination protections and remain vulnerable to discrimination across the country.
“LGBTQ service members put their lives on the line to defend our country’s values and they must similarly be ensured freedom from discrimination at home,” said Jeremy Butler, CEO of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA). “Congress should pass legislation as soon as possible to update federal law and allow all Americans, including our LGBTQ veterans, to have basic opportunities and go about their lives without fear of being turned away or humiliated because of who they are.”
“LGBTQ service members, veterans, employees, and their families and loved ones should be treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve for defending our country,” said Lindsay Church, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Minority Veterans of America (MVA). “We must keep dismantling discriminatory practices in the military and ensuring that the federal government updates our country’s civil rights laws to bring us closer to liberty and justice for all. A bipartisan supermajority of Americans support LGBTQ nondiscrimination protections and Congress must prioritize enacting legislation that explicitly prohibits LGBTQ discrimination in all areas of life.”
“Since the founding of our nation there have been LGBTQ individuals serving honorably in our Armed Forces. Yet only in the last ten years did we allow them to serve openly in the ranks,” said Kelly Finn Störmer, Executive Director of Combined Arms Institute. “It is time that we continue making legislative progress and acknowledge that still in 2021, not all Americans have the same equal protections under the law. We must take action to immediately pass legislation that allows ALL Americans, including our LGBTQ veterans, to have the basic opportunities to live their authentic lives without ongoing fear of discrimination because of who they are.”
“Because of a lack of explicit protections under federal law, millions of LGBTQ people are still vulnerable to discrimination including those who bravely serve our country,” said LeAnne Withrow, communications director of SPART*A. “We are proud to sign this letter alongside hundreds of service members and the nation’s leading armed forces organizations advocating for equal treatment. American service members and veterans who are LGBTQ should be treated with the same values of dignity and respect at home that they fight for abroad. Congress must pass federal legislation like the Equality Act in order to bring our country closer to a place where all Americans can seek liberty and the pursuit of happiness, no matter who they are.”
“Active military service members and veterans have long shown their commitment to protecting freedom and fairness for all Americans,” said Jennifer Dane, CEO & Executive Director of Modern Military Association of America. “Millions of our nation’s service members have been LGBTQ, at least 114,000 of which were unfairly discharged under discriminatory policies like ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’ To this day, LGBTQ veterans continue to face challenges accessing basic services and rights they deserve. Passing nondiscrimination legislation at the federal level is the only way to ensure the safety, access to care and employment, and basic dignity and respect all human beings deserve regardless of who they are or who they love.”
“Our LGBTQ veterans and their families deserve consistent and definite protections in every aspect of their daily lives,” said Deshauna Barber, CEO of SWAN (the Service Women’s Action Network). “It is unjust that the ones called to serve are met with discrimination in housing, healthcare, credit, lending, federally funded programs, and public spaces. By providing our support we ensure that our efforts to eliminate barriers, expand inclusivity, and create a safe environment for our servicemembers are met.”
The Equality Act would update federal civil rights law to ensure explicit and comprehensive protections for LGBTQ people from discrimination in virtually every area of life. The legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives in a bipartisan victory earlier this year and had a historic hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee in March.
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