Drinking game Kings Cup guide

Kings Drinking Game Rules – Variations, and Strategies

Kings, or Kingโ€™s Cup as it’s also known, has cemented itself as one of the go-to drinking games at parties worldwide. Itโ€™s easy to see why: the game mixes social interaction, a bit of strategy, and a whole lot of fun.

If youโ€™ve ever found yourself sitting around a table with friends, drinks in hand, and a deck of cards laid out before you, chances are you were about to get into a game of Kings.

But whether youโ€™re a seasoned pro or just hearing about Kings for the first time, thereโ€™s always something new to learn. Letโ€™s get into the rules, variations, and tips for making your next game of Kings a blast.

The Basics of Kings

Kings is a card-based drinking game thatโ€™s simple to set up and even simpler to play. All you need is a deck of cards, a large cup (known as the Kingโ€™s Cup), drinks for each player, and a group of friends ready to have a good time.

Objective of the Game

The main goal? Have fun and get everyone involved in the action. Kings is best played with a minimum of three players, but the more, the merrier.

The essence of the game lies in drawing cards and following the actions or rules associated with each one. The game usually goes on until all the cards are drawn, or the group decides to wrap it up.

Setting Up the Game

To get started, place a deck of 52 cards face down in a circle on a table. Spread the cards out evenly, making sure thereโ€™s enough room in the center for the Kingโ€™s Cupโ€”a large cup that will play a key role as the game progresses.

Gather the players around the table, each with their drink in hand, and youโ€™re all set to begin.

How to Play & the Rules for Each Card

Kings drinking game rules

Kings operates on the principle that every card in the deck triggers a specific action. Hereโ€™s a breakdown of the most common rules associated with each card:

Ace: Waterfall

When someone draws an Ace, all the players start drinking their drinks. The person who drew the card can stop drinking whenever they like, but the next player can only stop once the person before them has stopped.

This continues around the circle until everyone has put their drink down.

2: You

The player who draws this card can choose any other player to take a drink.

3: Me

The player who pulls this card must take a drink themselves.

4: Floor

Everyone must touch the floor as quickly as possible. The last person to do so takes a drink.

5: Guys

All male players must take a drink.

6: Chicks

All female players must take a drink.

7: Heaven

All players raise their hands toward the sky. The last person to do so takes a drink.

8: Mate

The person who draws this card chooses a mate. Whenever one of them drinks for the rest of the game, the other must drink as well.

9: Rhyme

Kings game variations

The person who draws this card says a word, and the next player must say a word that rhymes with it. This continues around the circle until someone canโ€™t think of a rhyme, and that person has to take a drink.

10: Categories

The player who draws this card picks a category (e.g., types of fruit). The next player must name something that fits within that category. This goes around the circle until someone canโ€™t think of an item in the category, and they take a drink.

Jack: Make a Rule

The player who draws this card gets to create a new rule that everyone must follow for the rest of the game. Anyone who breaks the rule has to drink.

Queen: Question Master

The player who draws the Queen becomes the Question Master. They can ask any player a question at any time, and if the player answers instead of responding with another question, they must take a drink. The Question Master keeps their role until someone else draws a Queen.

King: Kingโ€™s Cup

The first three Kings drawn mean the players who draw them must pour a bit of their drink into the Kingโ€™s Cup in the center. The player who draws the fourth King has to drink whatever is in the Kingโ€™s Cup, which is usually a delightful (or horrifying) mixture of everyoneโ€™s drinks.

Variations to Keep Things Interesting

Strategies for Kings game

One of the best parts of Kings is its adaptability. While the rules above are pretty standard, many groups love to mix things up with their own variations. Here are a few popular twists you might encounter or want to try:

  • Socials:ย Some groups like to add cards that trigger a “social” round, where everyone has to take a drink together. Itโ€™s a fun way to keep everyone engaged.
  • Thumb Master:ย In this variation, a designated card makes the drawer the Thumb Master. At any time during the game, the Thumb Master can place their thumb on the table, and the last person to follow suit must drink.
  • Buffalo Rule:ย In certain circles, players can only hold their drink in their non-dominant hand. If caught using their dominant hand, they must take a drink. This adds an extra layer of challenge to the game.
  • Special Kings:ย Instead of all the Kings having the same rule, each King might have a different action associated with it. For example, the first King drawn starts a waterfall, while the second King allows the player to pick a category.

Strategy Tips for Winning (or Just Surviving)

Kings is a game of fun and chance, but a bit of strategy can go a long way in making sure youโ€™re not the one downing the Kingโ€™s Cup at the end of the night.

Pay Attention to the Rules

Keeping track of the rules, especially the ones made by players who draw Jacks, is crucial. The Thumb Master or Question Master rules can catch you off guard if youโ€™re not paying attention, leading to more drinks than you might want.

Pace Yourself

Kings can lead to a lot of drinking, especially during rounds like Waterfall. Itโ€™s important to pace yourself, taking smaller sips if necessary. No one wants to be the one whoโ€™s out of commission halfway through the game.

Get Creative with Your Rules

If youโ€™re lucky enough to draw a Jack and get to make a rule, think creatively. Rules that involve everyoneโ€”like banning first names or requiring everyone to speak in accentsโ€”can lead to hilarious moments and keep the game lively.

Stay Engaged

The more involved you are in the game, the more fun youโ€™ll have. Donโ€™t shy away from participating in the rhyming and category rounds. And if youโ€™re quick on your feet, you can catch others off guard with well-timed questions or sneaky thumb placement.

Staying Safe While Playing Kings

Kings card game guide

Kings is all about having fun, but itโ€™s important to play responsibly. Here are some tips to keep things safe while still enjoying the game:

Know Your Limits

Itโ€™s easy to get caught up in the excitement of the game, but itโ€™s okay to skip a round or take smaller sips if youโ€™re starting to feel the effects. No one should feel pressured to drink more than theyโ€™re comfortable with.


Keeping hydrated can help you enjoy the game longer without the negative effects of alcohol. Sipping water from water bottle between rounds can be a lifesaver, especially during intense rounds like Waterfall.

Have a Plan for Getting Home

If youโ€™re playing Kings at a party, make sure you have a plan for getting home safely afterward. Whether that means having a designated driver or using a rideshare service, itโ€™s important to plan ahead.

Watch Out for Your Friends

Keep an eye on the people youโ€™re playing with. If someone seems like theyโ€™ve had too much, help them slow down or take a break. The game is supposed to be fun for everyone, so making sure your friends are safe is key.

Wrapping Up

Kings is a game thatโ€™s been bringing people together for ages, and for good reason. Its mix of strategy, creativity, and social interaction makes it a perfect addition to any party.

Whether you stick to the traditional rules or add in your own variations, the goal is always the same: to have a great time with good friends. Remember to play responsibly, keep an eye on each other, and most importantly, enjoy the game.

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